House of Cards: Thunderous Blow

This is another action card, Thunderous Blow. Thunderous Blow requires a great weapon. This is the reason for the shift to using great weapon stats for all the actions as this will allow comparisons between them.

Action Card

Conservative Reckless
1 success base damage 1 success base damage
3 successes D +1 critical 2 successes D +1 critical
2 boons +1 critical 1 boon +1 critical
2 boons# +1 critical 2 boons# +1 critical
-2 boons 1 fatigue -1 boon 1 fatigue
-2 boons* 1 fatigue -2 boons* 1 fatigue
1 comet +7 dam
1 chaos delay this attack

# from the Critical Rating of the weapon
* all physical actions have this as a possible result so it isn’t listed on the card


Comet use
On the conservative side comet priority was: increase 0 successes to 1 > +1 critical
On the reckless side comet priority was: increase 0 successes to 1 > comet line

Results: Thunderous Blow  Continue reading

House of Cards: Reckless Cleave in Warhammer 3rd

Having already generated the dice pools to analyze Troll-Feller Strike I figured I might as well see what would happen if I applied those results to a different action card, Reckless Cleave.

Weapon Change

For reasons that will become apparent in future articles I chose to switch the base weapon for the simulation. Instead of using 5 strength and a hand weapon I used 5 strength and a great weapon giving a base damage of 12 and a Critical Rating of 2. For those unfamiliar, a Critical Rating is the cost in boons for any attack made with that weapon to generate a critical hit, as will be seen in the card description.

Action Card

Here are the available results for Reckless Cleave

Conservative Reckless
1 success base damage +2 1 success base damage +1
3 successes D +3
2 boons +Str^ dam, delay this card 1 boon +Str^ dam, delay this card
2 boons# +1 critical 2 boons# +1 critical
-1 boon -1 soak -1 boon -1 soak
-2 boons* 1 fatigue -2 boons* 1 fatigue
1 comet +2 critical
1 chaos delay defense 1 chaos delay defense

^ assumed to be 5 for this example
# from the Critical Rating of the weapon
* all physical actions have this as a possible result so it isn’t listed on the card

Assumptions Continue reading